About Distance-Between.com
Distance-Between is a free service that provides you with the distance between two cities or two zip codes.
We also provide a number of different metrics about the distance such as:
- Straight line distance between the two points
- Driving distance between the two points
- Length of time it takes to drive, walk, ride a bike or fly. Please note, these metrics are estimates only and are not guaranteed to be correct.
There are a number of unpredictable attributes that impact trip length such as terrain, weather, rode or pathway incline or decline.
- An estimate of how much gasoline it will take to go from point A to B. We use the latest national fuel costs found here: fueleconomy.gov
- General information about each location such as latitude & longitude, GPS coordinates and zip code (if available).
Where does the length of time come from?
The initial calculation is based off of the distance returned between the two points (in meters) by the wonderful Google Maps API.
How do we calculate breaks or rests in length of travel time?
While it is impossible to accurately predict how long it will take someone to go from one location to another, we try to take a best guess for you by using some typical break times.
Here is what we do when we calculate your travel time with breaks:
- If the total trip time is less than 4 hours, no breaks are added to the trip time.
- If the total trip time is greater than 4, but less than 6 hours, we add a 30 minute break to the total trip time to get some gas or grab a snack.
- If the total trip time is from 6 to 8 hours, we add a 1 hour stopping time to the total trip time.
- If the total trip time is from 8 to 10 hours, we add 1 and a half hours to the total trip time.
- If the total trip time is from 10 to 12 hours, we add 2 hours (1 hour for a meal break and 2 rest/gas stops) to the total trip time.
- If the total trip time is from 12 to 14 hours, we add 2 and a half hours for meal breaks, rest stops & refueling to the total trip time.
- If the total trip time is over 14 hours, we add 2 and a half hours for meal breaks, rest stops & refueling and then another 8 hours for sleep, per day.
Everyone is different, as cetain people can only drive so long or need extra stops. However, we thought the stops above would be considered average across larger groups of people. Please use your own judgement when planning your trip.
Walking and Biking Estimates
For walking and biking times, we do not take into consideration the terrain, such as hills, mountains & water and it may not even be possible to walk or bike the straight line distance.
Flying Estimates
The flying estimates is calculated by making the following assumptions:
- You are actually able to fly from the locations.
- You are flying in a commercial jet going 560 miles per hour.
- One hour of time is added to the estimate to account for take off and landing.
This should not be used for actual flight times - it is mearly an estimate on how long it could take to fly between the locations you selected.
Thank you for visiting our website Distance-Between.com. We hope you find it useful and that you come back!
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